The saga: Kyson didn't go to the 3 weeks of pre-season soccer workouts,
cause he wanted to go to the 3 weeks of free baseball clinic
put on by the baseball coaches.
Half as many kids came this year as last year,
(new H.S. in town took 1/2 the boys off the baseball team)
so the coaches decided not to have a freshman team.
The coach is in our ward and told us this was 80% certain.
So, Kyson decided to try out for the soccer team.
He didn't even go to the mandatory conditioning for the baseball team hopefulls.
Monday, he went to soccer tryouts from 3pm to 515 pm.
I made him take his baseball glove just in case he decided to try out for baseball, too.
Baseball tryouts were 5pm to 7pm.
He was late for baseball-big no-no.
Tuesday was the same schedule.
Since 20 freshman tried out for the team,
they decided to go ahead and have a fr. team.
Hubby and I
waited at baseball practice long enough
to find out that soccer only kept 4 freshman
(only the ones the coaches had seen play
club soccer teams.)
Kyson had done fairly well at tryouts, but the coaches
didn't get to see him play much
since he didn't go to the soccer workouts (he was at baseball).
From what I saw at baseball tryouts,
Kys didn't perform that well,
but the coach had seen him at the 3 weeks of the clinic,
and knew he had "raw" talent and was "coachable".
This coach talked to each boy to tell them him if he made it or not and why.
He hasn't taken this thing off since he got it.
a point.
Congrats, Kyson, that's so cool!!
congrats Kyson! How exciting for you. Good luck.
That is so great, Kyson! Good job.
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