just in case we are part Irish...
Kashton bawled all the way home from baseball practice last night.
He kept missing the ball (not like him, but it was the 1st practice of the season)
and his new coach kept yelling at him for it, "Stop missing the ball!"
(Kash can't perform for a coach if he knows he's going to get yelled at.
It stresses him out.)
This is not even the Major League, we avoided that
so we could have a good experience this year.
I made a few phone calls:
He is no longer on that team!!!!! YAY!!!
Apparently the LL Board was in the process of taking kids off
each team to make another team, so there wouldn't be 14 kids on every team.
(That means 5 kids on the bench every inning.)
Kash had one friend on the yelling coach's team,
so I called that kid's dad.
The dad said he would help my hubby coach!
Not only that, their family is great friends of ours,
and he actually knows a little about baseball. (I just found out.)
He played on the high school team all through high school
and the 13 yr old all-star team that took state
with a guy (RandyWillstead-who used to play Pro baseball.)
who is the head coach of the high school team, who also
has been the YM 1st Counselor over Kyson since he turned 14.
So, Kash WILL get to have a positive experience with baseball this year.
AND, although we got last pick of the team names,
the one we wanted was STILL AVAILABLE.
The team has a brand new logo and colors (deep red)
and is the best logo out there.
It's the D-Backs!!
We also made an agreement with Kash's last year's coach (that we loved)
that my hubby will be his assistant for Koby's and Kyson's team.
My hubby WAS going to be my boys' head coach
to make sure Koby didn't get a really lousy coach for 3 years in a row.
All this took place after 9:15 pm last night.
a few other lucky/cool things happened this last week.
You will need to stay tuned in,
so I can drag out this blog and have a reason to update it.