Sean's wife dropped us off, wished us luck, and drove away. It was sooo cold and windy, and I didn't know whether to pray, cry, or run after her. I put on every piece of clothing I had in my pack. Still cold, but doable.
We are just off I-15, Near MM 40, Taylor Creek Trailhead.

Kolob Arch. It was 7.5 miles from the road (a half mile one-way off the trail.) I'm sure glad we left our backpacks behind a rock. There was "scrambling" involved getting here.
Mile 8. Our designated camp spot 1st night. It was only about 3 p.m. so we decided to go on. Behind Koby is the stream we will cross like 27 times in the next few hours and the mountain we crossed to get to this point.
Mile 10ish. Hop Valley. The easiest part of the hike.
Camp spot night 1. We didn't mean to go all the way to the Trail Head in one day, but there was no place to put up a tent in the last 5 miles. This TH happened to have a "perma- potty", an outhouse made of bricks, and HAND SANITIZER! Our socks are hanging to dry cause: a. we crossed the river so many times. b. Koby's water bladder's lid wasn't on tight and leaked all over inside his backpack.
Steve and Charlie joined us on day 2. West Rim Trailhead. This is on Kolob near Lava Point Lookout. 
Mile 17 day 2.
The views were amazing! A close-up of what you can only imagine from Lava Point Lookout.
Camp spot 2nd night. Mile 22. The wind is blowing so hard up the canyons, it almost holds us up. Twenty feet away from the edge, though, and the wind was hardly blowing. It blew hard all night-sounded cool. The bottom of the canyon is 1700 feet down from here.
West Rim Trail. Day 3- mile 23.I think the peaks in the distance are called "Castle Dome".
Jared and Charlie, Day 3, mile 23ish. This is the only water for miles and we filled up every bottle. The water was nice and cold and felt good in the water bladders in our backpacks next to our backs.
Filtering water was a four-man job: 1 holds the filtering straw in the stream, 1 pumps the water, 1 holds the bladder, while 1 fills it up.
Mile 26. The brown trail marker was the only way to follow the trail on this ledge, otherwise hikers might go over the edge looking for it. (just above Angel's Landing)
My 10 tips: 1.Take way more band-aids than you think you'll need-you'll use them (blisters.) 2.Take a clean set of underwear for each day, wet wipes, and deodorant-takes up minimal space and the next best thing to a shower. 3.Two pr. of clean socks for each day. (In case you need to borrow some to your son who's socks are wet.) 4.Pack sandwiches in Gladware-they don't get smashed. 5.Chewing gum kept my mouth from getting dry. 6.Lots of Exedrine. Easier than carrying Pepsi's and your brother-in-law may develop a serious case of tendonitis in both knees by mile 20. 7.Extra padding for the straps of your 27 lb. backpack. Your shoulders will be bruised by mile 3. 8.Sunscreen and hat. 9.Invite me. 10.Enjoy!
Wow. That's quite an adventure, it looks like you had a great time. I liked the pictures, that's as close as I'll ever get to doing that!
I still can't believe you did that hike and ENJOYED it! I wouldn't call you old and worn-out at all.
Way to go girl! There is no way I could make a hike like that - and couldn't have even 10 years ago. You are awesome!
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