We could not afford to throw gum away just cause it was bedtime,
how about you?
Lonnie Donegan - Does Your Chewing Gum Lose it's Flavour?
If I crossed a kangaroo with a turkey, can I stuff it from the outside?
If Tutankhamun got sick, would I call his Mummy?
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
2013 Halloween
Trick-or-treating in my hood is NOT your mother's trick-or-treating!
We always stop at Grandma Myrtle's 6 miles away by 5:00 on Halloween. I have been wondering if maybe she would rather not have all her grandkids show up so that she wouldn't have to worry about getting someone to go to the store for her and using her limited resources to buy them candy. I was feeling a little guilty. (She always seems to buy candy bars rather than smarties or suckers.)
She was SO HAPPY to see us! ! !
She even asked us if we had to hurry off or if we could sit down and talk for a few minutes. 'Talking" really means yelling. She is around 96 years old and doesn't hear well.
She was especially glad to see pictures and videos of Kyson cheering for Utah State. She doesn't see him much, and she considers him to be one of her own kids. She babysat him everyday for the first two years of his life.
Grandma Mona met us up there to save us a stop at her house a block down the road.
We took our annual family photo in front of her house. It makes such a cool backdrop.
We always stop at Grandma Myrtle's 6 miles away by 5:00 on Halloween. I have been wondering if maybe she would rather not have all her grandkids show up so that she wouldn't have to worry about getting someone to go to the store for her and using her limited resources to buy them candy. I was feeling a little guilty. (She always seems to buy candy bars rather than smarties or suckers.)
She was SO HAPPY to see us! ! !
She even asked us if we had to hurry off or if we could sit down and talk for a few minutes. 'Talking" really means yelling. She is around 96 years old and doesn't hear well.
She was especially glad to see pictures and videos of Kyson cheering for Utah State. She doesn't see him much, and she considers him to be one of her own kids. She babysat him everyday for the first two years of his life.
Grandma Mona met us up there to save us a stop at her house a block down the road.
We took our annual family photo in front of her house. It makes such a cool backdrop.
We knew that my friend was handing out full size candy bars close to our hood,
so we stopped by her house on the way home.
Then, since the line for quick pizza was pretty long, we stopped by another neighbor's
who put on their 9th annual Red Sox dinner.
He is a huge Red Sox fan, and dresses up in a RS uniform every year complete with cleats, striped socks, and batting gloves hanging out of his back pockets.
This year he even sported a big ol' fake beard.
(The Red Sox team grew beards during the season till the end of the season.
And won the World Series last night with full beards.)
So, we ate their hot dogs, chips, and soda.
Then, grabbed a Costco cookie and doughnut hole to go.
We lined up the family for another picture in front of our house.
Our neighbor 2 doors down serves homemade donuts and chili, so we headed over to get a taste.
They also had cornbread, homemade root beer, candy to hand out, and other neighbors hanging around handing out candy with Halloween music blasting in the back ground.
By now it was getting close to 7.
The action on my street starts to happen around 7.
You might like to call it, "the movies let out" cause it's like the movies let out.
It's a literal parade of people for the next hour and a half.
We don't answer the door to trickortreaters, we
stand in front of our door and hand out the candy.
Kash played the piano for the first hour till Koby got home from work.
Then Koby took over and played mostly Pirates of the Caribbean, since he
was dressed as a pirate.
Sorry about the blur. We ended up with a lot of blurry pics tonight. I didn't realize our little photographers had touched the lens with their sticky fingers.
Kort had requests from 4 different friends to join them for trickortreating.
We didn't see him till after 9 pm.
Then, we headed to the house 2 doors down on the other side of us for their "haunted house".
They put black plastic around their wrap around porch, and haunt the crap out of it.
It has black lighting, cages, people in all sorts of costumes hiding behind
life sized props and much, much more.
We always request the "no scare" tour, so I have never really seen
the full effect of their efforts.
This is where the main hang out is in our neighborhood. We had to
wait in line for 2 minutes to get to the porch.
And I mean 50 people at a time will be hanging around this
house at any given time from 7 pm on.
By the time Kauri, Kamarie, and I got done with the cul de sacs on either side of our
house, it was 8 pm ! ! !
They wanted to trickortreat our house, so we went back home and found Grandma Moda there.
Last year, those 2 girls were done trickortreating by 8 pm.
But, not this year. They wanted to go more.
We headed off a few doors down, when grandma and grandpa Ann and Kay drove by.
So, we headed back to our house so they could see me and Hubby together.
By the time we got 1 block away from our house, we realized the wagon was not cutting
it speed-wise, so we came back home and swapped for a car.
Our houses may be next to each other in our hood, but when you are walking,
the doors are not very close to each other, especially if
a couple of them are not home.
We made it to homes in our ward that we have never made it to before.
One had a haunted house type porch, but it was so out of the way, that we've never
gotten to it before.
At 9 pm, there were quite a few people out trickortreating still.
At 9:01, Kamarie declared that she was done and didn't want to do any more houses.
At 9:02, Kams was asleep in the back seat of the car!
So cute!
Kort and his friend still knocked doors till 9:15, and since it was our own neighbors
on our own street, the people were happy to see them.
It was a "slow" year this year.
We handed out candy to maybe 200 kids.
Usually, it is closer to 230 kids.
'Mind you, we have a small primary in our ward compared to most wards.
Most of these people walking down our street are complete strangers.
In my childhood, if we knocked doors for 2..5 hours, we'd get a haul,
like a pillowcase full,
but we never ran across the party
or the parade atmosphere
that we love about our street on
Halloween night! ! !
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
I laughed all the way through this. How sad is THAT?
20 Things to Remember If You Love a Person with ADD
It’s a fact; a person with ADD is hard to love. You never know what to say. It’s like walking through a minefield. You tiptoe around; unsure which step (or word) will be the one that sets off an explosion of emotion. It’s something you try to avoid.
People who have ADD/ADHD are suffering. Life is more difficult for them than the average person. Everything is intense and magnified. Their brilliant minds are constantly in gear creating, designing, thinking and never resting. Imagine what it would feel like to have a merry-go-round in your mind that never stops spinning.
From emotional outbursts to polar opposite extremes; ADD presents several behaviors that can be harmful to relationships. ADD is a mysterious condition of opposites and extremes. For instance, when it comes to concentration, people with ADD cannot concentrate when they are emotional or when their thoughts are distracted. However, when they are interested in a specific topic, they zone in so deep that it’s hard to pull them out of that zone. Starting a project is a challenge; but stopping it is an even bigger challenge.
True love is unconditional, but ADD presents situations that test your limits of love. Whether it’s your child, boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse or soon-to-be spouse, ADD tests every relationship. The best way to bring peace into both your lives is to learn a new mindset to deal with the emotional roller-coaster that ADD brings all-day-every-day.
Understanding what a person with ADD feels like will help you become more patient, tolerant, compassionate, and loving. Your relationships will become more enjoyable and peaceful. This is what goes on in the mind of a person with ADD/ADHD:
1. They have an active mind
The ADD brain doesn’t stop. There’s no on/off switch. There are no brakes that bring it to a halt. It is a burden that one must learn to manage.
2. They listen but don’t absorb what is being said
A person with ADD will look at you, hear your words, watch your lips move, but after the first five words their mind is on a journey. They can still hear you speak, but their thoughts are in outer space. They are thinking about how your lips are moving or how your hair is out of place.
3. They have difficulty staying on task
Instead of keeping the focus on what’s in front of them, people with ADD are staring at the colors in the painting on the wall. Like walking through a labyrinth, they start moving in one direction, but keep changing directions to find the way out.
4. They become anxious easily
As deep thinkers, they are sensitive to whatever is going on around them. Being in a noisy restaurant can sound like you are standing in the front row at a Metallica concert. A depressing news snippet can set them into end-of-the-world mode.
Want to do something to greatly improve your life? When You Start To Do These 20 Things Today, Your Life Will Be Greatly Improved
5. They can’t concentrate when they are emotional
If there is something worrisome going on, or if they are upset, a person with ADD cannot think of anything else. This makes concentration on work, conversation, and social situations almost impossible.
6. They concentrate too intensely
When the doors of their mind open, the person with ADD dives in like a scuba diver jumping into the deep ocean.
7. They have difficulty stopping a task when they are in the zone
And under the deep ocean is where they stay for hours. Even when their oxygen is running low, if they are enjoying the view, they won’t come up for air until they’re almost out of oxygen.
8. They are unable to regulate their emotions
For a person with ADD, their emotions are flying wild, out of proportion and cannot be contained. The tangled wires in their brilliant brains make thought and feelings difficult to process. They need extra time to get their systems up and running properly.
9. They have verbal outbursts
Their intense emotions are hard to regulate. Since they impulsively say whatever they think, they often say things they later regret. It’s almost impossible for them to edit their words before they release them.
10. They have social anxiety
Feeling uncomfortable knowing that they are different, people with ADD are often uncomfortable in social situations. They are afraid they will say something foolish or react inappropriately. Holding back feels safer.
11. They are deeply intuitive
For people with ADD, the surface is an invisible exterior that they penetrate. They see beyond it. This is the most enjoyable aspect of ADD. This inspirational trait is what makes creative geniuses. Inventors, artists, musicians, and writers thrive in this zone.
12. They think out of the box
Another wonderful aspect of ADD is that because they think differently, their abstract minds see solutions to problems that the concrete thinker cannot see.
13. They are impatient and fidgety
Annoyed easily, wanting things to happen immediately, and constantly playing with their phones, twirling their hair, or bouncing their leg up and down; a person with ADD needs constant motion. It’s a calming Zen activity for them.
14. They are physically sensitive
Pencils feel heavy in their hand. Fibers in fabric that most people wouldn’t feel can be itchy. Beds are bumpy. Food has textures you can’t imagine. Like The Princess and the Pea, they can feel a pea under twenty mattresses.
15. They are disorganized
Piles are their favorite method of organizing. Once a task is complete, papers related to it are placed in a pile, where they stay until the piles grow too high. That’s when the person with ADD becomes overwhelmed, frustrated, and cleans up. People with ADD have to be careful to not become hoarders. It’s hard for a person with ADD to keep things in order because their brain doesn’t function in an orderly manner.
16. They need space to pace
When talking on the phone or having a conversation, people with ADD think better when they are in motion. Movement is calming and brings clarity to their thoughts.
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17. They avoid tasks
Making decisions or completing tasks on time is a struggle. Not because they are lazy or irresponsible, but because their minds are full of options and possibilities. Choosing one can be problematic. It’s easy to avoid making decisions because they are over-thinkers. They obsess and dwell in the depths of their own minds.
18. They can’t remember simple tasks
Another paradoxical trait of ADD is memory. People with ADD can’t remember to pick up their clothes at the cleaners, milk at the grocery store, or appointments. On the other hand; they remember every comment, quote, and phone number they heard during the day. No matter how many post-its or calendar reminders they set; their distracted mind is always elsewhere. Visible items are easier to remember. That’s why they have fifteen windows open on their desktop.
19. They have many tasks going on at the same time
Due to the constant activity in their mind, once a task is finished, they are ready to move on to the next task without closing up the prior task. The more going on at once, the better. Multi-tasking is one of their favorite activites.
20. They are passionate about everything they do
The emotions, thoughts, words, and touch of a person with ADD is powerful. Everything is magnified. This is a blessing when channeled properly. When a person with ADD does something, they do it with their heart and soul. They give it all they’ve got. They are intense, perceptive, and deep. This quality is what makes the person with ADD so lovable.
Basically, a person with ADD/ADHD has trouble controlling their impulses. They also have many awesome qualities that you will enjoy once you understand how they think and feel. Compassion, empathy and patience will carry you through the most difficult times. It’s important to take extra care of yourself; take alone time regularly, do what you enjoy, find a support group, a therapist or a compassionate wise friend, take frequent vacations, meditate, find hobbies and your own passion. Most of all, learn how to breathe.
Some of the greatest inventors, artists, musicians, entrepreneurs, and writers had ADD/ADHD. They succeeded because they had a loved one just like you supporting them through their daily struggles. Replace your anger with compassion. Realize how they struggle to do what comes easy to you. Think of the ADD brain, as one with electrical wiring in the wrong circuits. Next time you think that they are lazy, irresponsible, disorganized, and avoiding responsibilities; try to remember how hard they have to work extra hard to achieve a simple task.
Yes, ADD/ADHD people are hard to love, but once you understand the burden they are carrying, your heart will open up. Love and compassion will take the place of anger. You will see into their sweet and good soul.
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Halloween 2014
I grew up watching Gilligan's Island!
Who didn't?
Ever since the episode of the headhunters,
I have been fascinated by them.
Hubby was supposed to have a
camera around his
neck, but we
needed it
to take
the picture.
The school parade:
I was helping
with the school party, so I
dressed up for it and walked the parade
with her.
Kauri and I were headhunters.
Kamarie was a safari tourist.
I told her that I was gonna have her carry a bottle of ketsup for trick or treating
cause she was my dinner.
Then I told her she was a sarari tourist that goes to the jungle
to see and to take pictures of all the animals and things in the jungle.
Then, I told her that I was a headhunter that lives in the jungle,
and I wait for the safari people to come so I can EAT THEM!
She quickly responded with:
"I'M not going to be your dinner,
I'M going to be a COP!"
and she changed her costume to a cop!
AH HAHAHhahahahahahahHAHAHAHA!
My MOM saw the picture of me as a headhunter, then she saw
this picture of my son,
then she
questioned me
about being two different costumes
this year.
AH HAHAHAhahahahaha!
She thought this was ME! ! !
No cute scarecrow makeup for
this one!
How lucky are WE that we get to
have grand daughters
at our house
for Halloween!
This is a close up of my makeup.
dots around my eyes,
nose ring,
skeleton ear ring,
(only one cause I have kids that obsess over my costume accessories),
unbrushed teeth,
( for me so that I remember what I did: 3 bones in my ponytail,
rafia around my pony,
beaded sandals,
rafia wedding ring,)
One of his good, old friends showed up to watch him play spooky music.
I still need to take pics of the house,
We did not put up very much this year.
Hubby got a sprained back and could not walk or stand
for the last 1 1/2 weeks of my Halloween season.
I bought a new skeleton to crawl up my house and we did not even get it up this year.
I bought a new inflatable for my entryway yesterday for half off,
so next year I will have something fun to look forward to.
I have decided that I NEED to make new
props every year.
I did not
feel excited about
decorations this year,
and I think it might be because I need something to do
in order to get excited to put it all up!
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