Saturday, November 17, 2012
Thursday, November 15, 2012
I wrote a little letter...
haha... have you heard that one before?
The region women's volleyball tournament is this weekend. That shouldn't matter to me, my team didn't make it into the tournament. (Hallelujah)
Now, we find out that we are in charge of bringing a ref for each team we sent to the tournament.
It is a "region" tournament. The "region" people should be in charge of that. Ya'd think...!
So, now, I am expected to cancel my Fri. night plans to be there for the tournament to ref (I am the assistant stake sports director) for my stake's team. (found out on Wed night.)
(We won't mention the fact, right here, that I am also expected to be there to ref from 9 a.m. till 8 p.m. on Saturday for the girls tournament. WHAT?!)
I wrote a little letter to the woman in charge of it and suggested that since there were only 3 teams in the women's tournament (yeah.....that's right...... only 3 teams.....and 2 of them are from my stake) that the team that is NOT playing at the time can provide the two refs for the teams that ARE playing since they WILL ALL BE THERE ANY WAY!!! Then I don't have to change my plans to be there while 10 capable ladies sit around and watch.
The stake sports person, over me, told me there was NO way that J. would go for that idea.... and then she proceeded to lay on the serious pressure for me to be there --plans or no plans.
J messaged her right after that pressure call to tell her she liked my idea and she's going with it.
The girl's tournament is another story. My daughter's team will be there. I will be there to watch my daughter play. While my daughter's team is playing I am expected to be reffing the same time on the OTHER court! So, I won't even get to see her play! Besides the fact that I am committed to be at my rec team's last game at the rec center in the middle of all this and for pictures.
It doesn't make sense to have each team bring a person to ref every two or three hours....... maybe.
Our refs only need to stay to ref if our stake;s teams keep winning.
JEEPS! (short for jeepers) Find 8 capable ladies and have them come for 4 hours each!!!
I had plans for my last warm Saturday. It involved around 10,000 lights on my house!!!!
Nope, each team brings a ref and if there's not a ref, the team does not play.
So, how come it falls on ME? Well, since the guy who accepted the call from the stake presidency to find refs for ALL the sports is new and has not done any of his calling in the last 6 weeks and won't return phone calls to us for help, we have to do it ourselves. Me and DH who is over stake sports.
I kept telling her to call all these other people to do it for us for a couple of hours each, but she wouldn't. So, I found someone to come do it for me while I was at the rec center. Now, DH is expecting me to split the difference!!!
I found someone to take 3 of my 8-10 hours; she refused to, and now I am supposed to take part of hers to make up for it? Every time I tried to explain my position, I found her talking right over the top of me. So frustrating.
Another thing:
Every girl in this tournament has played on halfsies courts. Now that we are in a playoff situation, the guy in charge of it all ??? has scheduled for them to play on full sized courts.
They can barely cover the holes in a halfsies court. They don't even know to move to the ball.....
This should be interesting.
Now, I remember why I have avoided church sports for the past 8 years.
The region women's volleyball tournament is this weekend. That shouldn't matter to me, my team didn't make it into the tournament. (Hallelujah)
Now, we find out that we are in charge of bringing a ref for each team we sent to the tournament.
It is a "region" tournament. The "region" people should be in charge of that. Ya'd think...!
So, now, I am expected to cancel my Fri. night plans to be there for the tournament to ref (I am the assistant stake sports director) for my stake's team. (found out on Wed night.)
(We won't mention the fact, right here, that I am also expected to be there to ref from 9 a.m. till 8 p.m. on Saturday for the girls tournament. WHAT?!)
I wrote a little letter to the woman in charge of it and suggested that since there were only 3 teams in the women's tournament (yeah.....that's right...... only 3 teams.....and 2 of them are from my stake) that the team that is NOT playing at the time can provide the two refs for the teams that ARE playing since they WILL ALL BE THERE ANY WAY!!! Then I don't have to change my plans to be there while 10 capable ladies sit around and watch.
The stake sports person, over me, told me there was NO way that J. would go for that idea.... and then she proceeded to lay on the serious pressure for me to be there --plans or no plans.
J messaged her right after that pressure call to tell her she liked my idea and she's going with it.
The girl's tournament is another story. My daughter's team will be there. I will be there to watch my daughter play. While my daughter's team is playing I am expected to be reffing the same time on the OTHER court! So, I won't even get to see her play! Besides the fact that I am committed to be at my rec team's last game at the rec center in the middle of all this and for pictures.
It doesn't make sense to have each team bring a person to ref every two or three hours....... maybe.
Our refs only need to stay to ref if our stake;s teams keep winning.
JEEPS! (short for jeepers) Find 8 capable ladies and have them come for 4 hours each!!!
I had plans for my last warm Saturday. It involved around 10,000 lights on my house!!!!
Nope, each team brings a ref and if there's not a ref, the team does not play.
So, how come it falls on ME? Well, since the guy who accepted the call from the stake presidency to find refs for ALL the sports is new and has not done any of his calling in the last 6 weeks and won't return phone calls to us for help, we have to do it ourselves. Me and DH who is over stake sports.
I kept telling her to call all these other people to do it for us for a couple of hours each, but she wouldn't. So, I found someone to come do it for me while I was at the rec center. Now, DH is expecting me to split the difference!!!
I found someone to take 3 of my 8-10 hours; she refused to, and now I am supposed to take part of hers to make up for it? Every time I tried to explain my position, I found her talking right over the top of me. So frustrating.
Another thing:
Every girl in this tournament has played on halfsies courts. Now that we are in a playoff situation, the guy in charge of it all ??? has scheduled for them to play on full sized courts.
They can barely cover the holes in a halfsies court. They don't even know to move to the ball.....
This should be interesting.
Now, I remember why I have avoided church sports for the past 8 years.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Something's wrong with my ward.
It seems to be cursed with WAY too much tragedy.
Diabetes death of 14-yr-old, cancer death of 45-yr-old, suicide of 16-yr-old, auto-pedestrian-near-death of 16-yr-old accident, divorce, now murder?
My dear friend, Madelin, died early Halloween morning.
I was so busy with the final details of my Halloween frenzy that I did not notice the police cars flying by my house just before 9 am.
I had my Halloween makeup done perfectly.
My fake eye lashes were beautiful and it was easier than I thought it would be to put them on for the first time.
My face was a perfect shade of pale white.
I checked online at 4:00 p.m. to see what my character's eye shadow should look like.
Facebook is set to come up on the screen.
The local news on a facebook page mentioned a murder in my area of town.
My curiosity peeked.
As I read further, the article mentioned that it took place in my subdivision.
I have lived in this subdivision long enough to know every 76 -yr-old, so I searched the article for any names. It didn't have any.
I went straight to the page where it shows the jail bookings in my county, and there he was...
I knew immediately that it was Madelin that had been killed.
I dialed up my visiting teacher companion to get more info. My vt comp. had found out about it that morning about as soon as the next door neighbors had. She was with the bishop's wife, (the neighbors were trying to get a hold of the bishop) and felt the info was confidential.
I feel kind of betrayed.
I am Madelin's visiting teacher, and no one let me know of this situation earlier.
I had to find out about it on facebook....
I bawled for almost an hour. Uncontrollably.
My kids just stood and watched the mess happen.
My eye lashes slid off my face and eventually got lost.
I had streaks of mascara in every direction across my white make up.
I had to start over with all of it, and the makeup would not stick, cause I could not stop crying.
I enjoyed being her visiting teacher WAY more than I should have.
I hung on every word she said. I soaked it all in like a sponge. I wanted to hear more, more, more. She loved to talk about her wonderful life and her 6 amazing sons, and I loved listening to her stories.
She bragged as much about her husband as she did about her kids.
He has a tremendous talent for carving wood and has an overabundance of it all over their home. He was always in the "office" working on something whenever we would come over to visit teach. He would always tease us for our imperfections such as not being on time.
They seemed happy. As happy as an older couple could be that didn't live amongst their kids and grandkids.
Their offspring was scattered around the world. They are all multimillionaires and did it without college degrees.
One of Madelin's sons invented the Crikut crafting tool.
One of her son's is part owner of several casinos in Las Vegas.
Madelin would always scoop up a pile of homemade beanie lizards for Kamarie to play with while we were there. "Kids don't have to sit still in MY house," she told me last week. She always made sure toys were aplenty for Kams.
She was a very happy, fun-loving person. I could tell she loved me just by watching her eyes as she greeted me. She was teaching me so much about life and raising kids. I wished I could visit every week instead of every month.
Her gaze and her smile will forever haunt my thoughts as this was a life cut short way before it's time.
I don't get it. That's why I am still awake at 2 a.m.
They walked our neighborhood holding hands twice a day. They had served a service mission at a girl's camp a year or so ago, and they had stayed in a big 5th wheel camp trailer. They were gonna sell it since they weren't gonna be using it much any more; I don't remember why. But, she gave me a bunch of little pots, spatulas, and misc. kitchen items out of her trailer to use in mine. Treasures to me now.
Last month, they had two sets of family members visit their house at the same time. She was bragging how she fit 14 people in her little house at once.
Rumors are saying he was struggling with depression and or dementia. He always seemed normal and fine to me. He always asked me point blank how work was for my husband. He didn't ask just to be nice, he really wanted to know. He used to own large construction companies. I think they even built churches. He knows what a construction life is, and he could relate to ours. He even would give me advice on certain things about work, too.
Hubby reminded me that when they built their house, that Hubby was the one who did the concrete for them. There is a LOT of concrete at that house.
The picture of him at his booking, I don't know that guy. I've never seen that guy. I've never heard of that guy that killed his wife. Him killing his wife would be akin to my Hubby killing me. It just isn't in their being. It couldn't have been him that did it. It had to be something else. Like a chemical reaction in his brain to maybe something he was taking to make him be better.
I know that she was all he had. At least here in town. I am guessing that he will never recover from this. I am guessing that he realizes what he has done- that he took her away from him himself. I don't know how a person can live with that in their mind. He will be sooo extremely lonely without her, and it was his own doing. How can he face the ward members ever again? I can't be mad at him. All I can feel for him is sorrow. Extreme sorrow.
He lived such a legacy of a life. So many good things accomplished. It is sad that this is what people will remember him by, and describe him by.
She made crafts and sold them in mail order catalogues most of her life and used the money to pay for 6 missions. Some of those missions back in the day were pricey like Japan. She sewed her own clothes. She made collections of toys for her grandkids.
Everyone loved Madelin. I didn't know her super well, we were just put into this ward a year ago. I have only been her VT for almost a year. I knew her a bit when we were in the same ward 8 years ago, but I don't remember much from 8 years ago. I do know that I hung on every word she spoke. I wanted to learn from her every thing I could. She was BRILLIANT!
Diabetes death of 14-yr-old, cancer death of 45-yr-old, suicide of 16-yr-old, auto-pedestrian-near-death of 16-yr-old accident, divorce, now murder?
My dear friend, Madelin, died early Halloween morning.
I was so busy with the final details of my Halloween frenzy that I did not notice the police cars flying by my house just before 9 am.
Neighbors watch as Washington City Police investigate a homicide at 2188 Alamosa Drive Wednesday. David Benson, 76, was arrested for first-degree murder after his wife was found dead inside their home. / Jud Burkett / The Spectrum & Daily News
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A 76-year-old Washington City man was arrested and charged with first-degree murder Wednesday morning after his wife was found dead in their Pine View Estates home at 2188 Alamosa Drive.
A Washington City Police Department press release said the woman died from “trauma inflicted with a blunt object.”
David Benson was booked into the Purgatory Correctional Facility on $500,000 bond. Public records list his wife as Madeline Benson.
The call reporting the incident was initially made at about 8:45 a.m. Wednesday by a family member who was not in the home at the time of the incident, said Ed Kantor, Washington City Police Department public information officer.
Washington City officers stood guard at the home while detectives and Washington County Deputy Attorney Brian Filter investigated the scene.
Neighbors in the area told The Spectrum the Bensons are long-time residents in the neighborhood and described them as “kind and friendly.”
"He was protective of her and he's had some struggles and couldn't get on top of it," Brittney Rivers said. "Withhold judgment because they are great people and this doesn't need to be their legacy. Now I just think about how to tell our children."
Rivers said they were seen regularly in the neighborhood. "They would walk around twice a day holding hands," she said.
Neighbor Shelly Kirton described them as “very thoughtful people (who would) go out of their way to help others."
Several neighbors in the area told The Spectrum they believed the cause for Benson’s alleged behavior could be related to an adverse reaction to medications he may have been on at the time.
I had my Halloween makeup done perfectly.
My fake eye lashes were beautiful and it was easier than I thought it would be to put them on for the first time.
My face was a perfect shade of pale white.
I checked online at 4:00 p.m. to see what my character's eye shadow should look like.
Facebook is set to come up on the screen.
The local news on a facebook page mentioned a murder in my area of town.
My curiosity peeked.
As I read further, the article mentioned that it took place in my subdivision.
I have lived in this subdivision long enough to know every 76 -yr-old, so I searched the article for any names. It didn't have any.
I went straight to the page where it shows the jail bookings in my county, and there he was...
I knew immediately that it was Madelin that had been killed.
I dialed up my visiting teacher companion to get more info. My vt comp. had found out about it that morning about as soon as the next door neighbors had. She was with the bishop's wife, (the neighbors were trying to get a hold of the bishop) and felt the info was confidential.
I feel kind of betrayed.
I am Madelin's visiting teacher, and no one let me know of this situation earlier.
I had to find out about it on facebook....
I bawled for almost an hour. Uncontrollably.
My kids just stood and watched the mess happen.
My eye lashes slid off my face and eventually got lost.
I had streaks of mascara in every direction across my white make up.
I had to start over with all of it, and the makeup would not stick, cause I could not stop crying.
I enjoyed being her visiting teacher WAY more than I should have.
I hung on every word she said. I soaked it all in like a sponge. I wanted to hear more, more, more. She loved to talk about her wonderful life and her 6 amazing sons, and I loved listening to her stories.
She bragged as much about her husband as she did about her kids.
He has a tremendous talent for carving wood and has an overabundance of it all over their home. He was always in the "office" working on something whenever we would come over to visit teach. He would always tease us for our imperfections such as not being on time.
They seemed happy. As happy as an older couple could be that didn't live amongst their kids and grandkids.
Their offspring was scattered around the world. They are all multimillionaires and did it without college degrees.
One of Madelin's sons invented the Crikut crafting tool.
One of her son's is part owner of several casinos in Las Vegas.
Madelin would always scoop up a pile of homemade beanie lizards for Kamarie to play with while we were there. "Kids don't have to sit still in MY house," she told me last week. She always made sure toys were aplenty for Kams.
She was a very happy, fun-loving person. I could tell she loved me just by watching her eyes as she greeted me. She was teaching me so much about life and raising kids. I wished I could visit every week instead of every month.
Her gaze and her smile will forever haunt my thoughts as this was a life cut short way before it's time.
I don't get it. That's why I am still awake at 2 a.m.
They walked our neighborhood holding hands twice a day. They had served a service mission at a girl's camp a year or so ago, and they had stayed in a big 5th wheel camp trailer. They were gonna sell it since they weren't gonna be using it much any more; I don't remember why. But, she gave me a bunch of little pots, spatulas, and misc. kitchen items out of her trailer to use in mine. Treasures to me now.
Last month, they had two sets of family members visit their house at the same time. She was bragging how she fit 14 people in her little house at once.
Rumors are saying he was struggling with depression and or dementia. He always seemed normal and fine to me. He always asked me point blank how work was for my husband. He didn't ask just to be nice, he really wanted to know. He used to own large construction companies. I think they even built churches. He knows what a construction life is, and he could relate to ours. He even would give me advice on certain things about work, too.
Hubby reminded me that when they built their house, that Hubby was the one who did the concrete for them. There is a LOT of concrete at that house.
The picture of him at his booking, I don't know that guy. I've never seen that guy. I've never heard of that guy that killed his wife. Him killing his wife would be akin to my Hubby killing me. It just isn't in their being. It couldn't have been him that did it. It had to be something else. Like a chemical reaction in his brain to maybe something he was taking to make him be better.
I know that she was all he had. At least here in town. I am guessing that he will never recover from this. I am guessing that he realizes what he has done- that he took her away from him himself. I don't know how a person can live with that in their mind. He will be sooo extremely lonely without her, and it was his own doing. How can he face the ward members ever again? I can't be mad at him. All I can feel for him is sorrow. Extreme sorrow.
He lived such a legacy of a life. So many good things accomplished. It is sad that this is what people will remember him by, and describe him by.
She made crafts and sold them in mail order catalogues most of her life and used the money to pay for 6 missions. Some of those missions back in the day were pricey like Japan. She sewed her own clothes. She made collections of toys for her grandkids.
Everyone loved Madelin. I didn't know her super well, we were just put into this ward a year ago. I have only been her VT for almost a year. I knew her a bit when we were in the same ward 8 years ago, but I don't remember much from 8 years ago. I do know that I hung on every word she spoke. I wanted to learn from her every thing I could. She was BRILLIANT!
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