Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Kyson's Funnies

Kyson was running for student council because his friends wanted him to.
During his interview with the "powers that be", he summed up why he was running as

 "for the people" 



He WON the election, by the way,
so now he is the senior class president of the pm studentbody
of the Success Academy.
(Where you get to take your high school credits
as college courses and get an
Associate's Degree,
for free,
a month before you graduate from high school.)

Yes, he is the president over

22 kids!!!



Cheryl said...

Way to go, Kyson. I never knew he won! C-grats!

Jana said...

Now, he's what I can an over-achiever!

Micheline said...

congrats Mr. President!