I read somewhere (and I don't know if it is true) that garments are DYED WHITE. So, when they are bleached, the bleach takes out the white dye and makes the garments dingy grey!!!
So, buy some white dye and dye them white, right?
What WMart carries in the Rit dye section is not really white "dye", but it claims to whiten and brighten dingy whites.
Well, the ingredients have some of the sodium and hydrowhatchamacallits that are similar to my oxidizer powder. I'm not a chemist, but I was hoping there was a big enough difference to make a bigger difference.
I've tried using the oxidizer powder on the dingy garments to no avail. But, it makes sense that the oxidizer won't make the dingy whites whiter if the dye has been all bleached out of them...
So, I followed the directions on the "whitest whites" rit dye,
I even used hot, almost boiling water.
I stirred it for 12-15 minutes,
and rinsed them with warm water.
What I was hoping for was to NOT to have to spend $50 to replace the dingies.
You know, so I feel like I can wear white t-shirts again
and not feel like I don't know how to do laundry
(which apparently, I don't.)
The experiment was a waste of my time and the $2.20ish that I spent on the ritstuff.
Not completely a waste of my time, I guess, cause now, I know.
I don't mind the "now, I knows" as long as it didin't cost me too much.
I guess I am going to make that trip to the DB (DeseretBook) on Monday to get me some whitey whites.
I guess I did figure out how to get the whitey whites after all.
Hubby says to try spray paint...
maybe I will.