Thursday, April 22, 2010

Kauri's Commentary

It rained yesterday morning, but the ground stayed wet for awhile.
Kauri and I drove to her school for Kindergarten assessments in the evening, and the sidewalk was wet next to the grass about 4 feet from the grass. (the sprinklers had been on)
She was so excited and perplexed:
"It rains at the SCHOOL, too?!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Kauri's Queries...

Visiting teaching this morning went something like this:
(say this part out loud to yourself:)
"Get your shoes on Kauri, we are going to go visit Sister Bluhm."
"Is she going to give us a b'loon?"

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Kauri's Funnies

I was peeling a boiled egg to put on my salad.
Kauri was pretty concerned since I was peeling the eggshell into a bowl.
"That looks disgusting!
Why are you gonna eat that hard stuff?"
After I explained that I wasn't eating the outside,
only the inside,
she waited patiently till I was finished peeling it before
she said one of her finest:
"It's green!!!
Is it RIPE?"

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

PS# 7

The track meet is on Saturday morning till afternoon, also.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

How do you throw a Sweet 16 birthday party

for someone who is more busy than the person throwing the party?
Hurry with your answers, I only have two days.

ps.#1: all his friends run cross country which mean they spend up to 2 hours a day running after school.

ps #2: he has a 2 hour baseball game on his birthday.

ps #3: Friday is a track meet and all his runner friends will be there.
ps#4: Saturday is the Senior Ball and if his friends are 16, they will be going to it.
ps#5: Saturday is the Stake dance and if his friends aren't 16, they will be going to it.

ps#6: yes, we have baseball games EVERY night this week.