My son was hugely impacted in a negative way and extremely limited with his experience as an 11 yr old scout, because a good, proven leader (me) was not allowed in to take over or EVEN HELP when I wanted to be of help. (When I was the 11 yr old scout leader, most of those boys in my troop were a Star rank by the time they turned 12.) My 11 yr old son's scout leader did not take him on a camp out in the first 6 months of my son being in BSA.
People that don't care about the program are being asked to do the job in the LDS church. They may not have any scouting experience, or time to do the job, or they may not have any boys in scouts to give them the incentive. This theory includes Bishops, who are the heads of the units, that don't really care about scouting or don't understand the value of the Eagle rank even for their own scouting aged sons. The lack of incentive is hurting a lot of boys in a lot of LDS wards.
My suggestion would be to the LDS troops: Let the dads of the boys in the troop be a "volunteer" if he wants to be. Then, you will finally see the boys progressing and going on camp outings. You are limiting way too many boys by limiting the volunteerism to a "calling from God". It is scouting for Heaven's sake, not a Sunday school class.