In June, our ward had Father's and Daughter's.
I assured hubby that there would be a total of 10 girls there,
2 of which were mine.
The F&D was better attended than the F&S was.
(This pic was before most of them got there.)
Kinzie came home from church and announced that it was at our ranch.
Well, the Gardner Ranch.
What's funny about that?
Neither my hubby nor I even knew it was going to be there.
They forgot to ask us.
Luckily for them, it was available.
The bishopric told me I couldn't come.
I went anyways and had Hubby set up the trailer
on his mom's property 2 blocks north of the ranch
I took all my boys plus one friend.
At 9:30 pm, when the
homemade ice cream machines shut off, (we could totally hear them)
we all put on hoodies and snuck down there.
We hid behind tents, trucks, trees,
and a few of the boys even army crawled across the grass.
When we got to the bushes next to the ice cream tables,
we took turns sneaking up to the table to get ourselves
a bowl of ice cream.
Only a few of them were noticed. (and only by their sisters)
The dad (DaveBurr)of the extra boy we brought told him and Koby
that they were the ugliest girls he had ever seen.
The ice cream was totally worth it.
We only got caught by the bishopric
on our way out, AFTER we had eaten the ice cream.
A funny thing happened when Kyson got up to the table.
Kauri noticed him and said, "Moooom?"
(He had borrowed my jacket since his didn't have a hood.)
Then she twisted to see the face.
"Kyson????? No, that's mom."
She couldn't decide if it was Kyson or me.
Kys thought that was sooooo funny.